

Analyzing the mental phenomena we are led to recognize in them two sets of properties: on the one hand, those that firmly locate the mental in the physical body, on the other hand those that invite us to think of a separation between them.

Nevertheless, either the options, it is impossible to not recognize that both influence each other.

Each physical action taken requires your brain to “visualize” and process it before sending the electric signals to your muscles. So let’s say, for example, you are practicing some kind of sport, the movements that you make are coming from the neural network and each time you repeat a movement it will slightly reinforce itself and in the future you will be able to perform the same exercise better.

This doesn’t only apply to physical movements. Habits are an automatic action you take because the neural circuit that corresponds to it has been strengthened through time and repeated action. Good or bad.

Having good habits and discipline is one of the purest forms of body control because this implies that your neural network is strong enough to not fall for other stimulus that don’t align with you and this means that your actions and your decisions are completely from within your own choices and beliefs.

Again, when you learn how to control your body, you learn how to control your mind.

