All the things-in-themselves are formed by particles.

The universe is matter. If power is the ability to exercise influence on something then, power is the ability to dominate matter.

As our universe is materialist this is true. This condition is practically verified in all the spectrum of entities, being them organic or inorganic. A human being has a big degree of power compare to other mammals because he can easily manipulate matter around him. However, it is verified that the human being is still impotent when they face natural disasters like a hurricane. This last has the potential to manipulate even more matter than the former. Nonetheless this concept of power is only valid with the condition “potential of…” and always implies that the same or other entity has free will to exercise this potential. Example: an atomic bomb has much more potential power than thousands of humans together however it needs a conscious entity that has the capability to exert its potential. The person who has in his hands this object also has the power to exercise influence in all the others. Hence, power has the feature to be transferred and absorbed to other entity. To conclude the one who has more power is not the one who has more strength but the one who as the capability to control a greater number of “potentials of power”.


  • Power is the ability to dominate matter.
  • The quantity of power is addictive
  • To compare, the one who has more power is the one who has a greater number of atoms in is sphere of influence
  • Power is dynamic
  • Power is temporal

